Solar cells

Obtaining permission to install solar panels on vicarages is difficult. Many vicarages are designated as preservation worthy or are located in the immediate vicinity of the church, perhaps covered by an exner-preservation or even a building preservation. There may also be other vicarages where solar cells on the roof are not desirable for aesthetic reasons.

On some newer vicarages, it can be easier to find suitable locations for solar cell systems.

With the current rules for solar cells, it is difficult to get a healthy economy out of the investment.


In addition to the aesthetic considerations, there are other conditions that must be observed. First, it must be examined whether the roof can carry the additional weight of the panels. Also, it must be ensured that there are no shadows over parts of the solar panels, as this will reduce output significantly.

After November 20, 2012, the placement of solar cells is very important for the economy of a solar power system is. Due to new regulations that settle the price by the hour, it is important to use most of the power produced by the solar cells within the same hour as it is produced.

Often electricity consumption in vicarages is not very high on weekdays between 8:00 and 16:00, which makes it important to optimise the output from the solar cells in the mornings and afternoons. This is best done by orienting the solar cells to the east and west rather than south, as has otherwise been common practice.


Before the installation of solar cells a permission must be given. Contact must be made to the diocese and to the municipality. The diocese magistrate then gathers statements from relevant consultants.


With the current rules for the settlement of electricity from solar cells, it is crucial for the economy, that a very large part of the produced electricity is used immediately in your own installation. Electricity produced and used immediately replaces purchased power at full price (approximately 2.10 kr. per kWh). Any excess electricity produced is settled at market price, which at present is in the range of 20 - 30 øre per. kWh.

Own-consumption should be above 50%, to achieve a sound economy with a repayment period of 15 years. By installing smaller solar cell systems, it is easier to achieve a high level of own consumption.

Some vicarages have established solar cell systems under the new regulations with a sound economy.


Are solar cells desirable from an architectural point of view?


Read more (in Danish):

Danish Energy Agency for solar cells: